Victoria Dog Obedience Club
Man's Best Friend is an Obedient Dog
Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month except in December. They are held in the Victoria Mall Food Court in Front of Sears. The meetings begin at 7:00 PM and unfortunately mall policy does not allow us to bring our dogs to these meetings. Membership dues are $10.00 per member or $15.00 for family each year. Every now and then there will be a change in location or cancellation of a meeting. If you plan to attend please contact someone within the club in advance. Guests are always welcome!!
Active Members
Lesli - Molli, Envy, Axl, Jewel and Debbie (Australian Shepherds)
My pack and I keep Busy. My first passion is Dock Diving. We spend March - November at competitions most weekend. We also enjoy training in obedience, rally, scent work, barn hunt and whatever else interest the dogs
and keeps them entertained as well as showing in Conformation!
Gail - Dakota and Roscoe (Pit Bulls), Diesel, Charlie, and Sugar (Labrador Retrievers), Missy (English Mastiff),
My passion is Dogs!! Doing whatever I can to be with them! I've showed in the Conformation ring, put each of my dogs thru our VDOC Obedience Classes, received CGC Titles, followed up with Therapy Dog Certifications and R.E.A.D. Certification. I'm also about to dive in the world of Rally!! We have so much to learn from our dogs!!
Margaret - Boo (Doberman Pinscher), Sunny (Golden Retriever)
Michelle - Storm (Doberman Pinscher), CJ (Lab)
Renea - Norwegian Elkhounds, Poodles
Amber - Atticus, Greta and Kubrick (Doberman Pinschers)
I took two classes because Greta was a heathen and here we are now with titles in rally and obedience. We compete in whatever she seems to like (rally, obedience, Barnhunt, scentwork, ect). Atticus prefers to protect the couch at home and is a therapy dog.
Karen - Kami, Driver, Ch. Miina, Ch. Daysi, and Romy (Samoyeds)
I became a member of the VDOC in 1984, beginning my journey into obedience, agility & therapy work. Over the years I served as president (2 yrs), secretary (2 yrs) and treasurer (25 yrs). Instructing obedience classes proved to be very fulfilling and I've retired after 25 years. I was on the ground floor of the Canine Good Citizen testing and am an Evaluator. I believe that if you don’t give back to your sport, soon you will not have one! Although my heart has taken me to the conformation ring what I love most about this club is the knowledge of its membership.
Pauline - Gunner, Rocky, and Lacie (Australian Shepherds), Dollie (Yorkshire Terrier), and Pixie (Rat Terrier X)
I have been a long time member of VDOC and ASCA, have competed and titled in agility and rally, and am beginning to show in conformation. Each of my dogs have their CGC Titles. I have been the instructor for the clubs puppy/beginner obedience classes for many years.
Tracy - Valor (German Shepherd), Bohdi, Wylie, Rizzo and Lacie (Australian Shepherds)
I have been training dogs for approximately 20 years and have competed in agility and obedience for the last 16 year. I’ve also dabbled in other areas like herding, scent discrimination, and conformation. My passion is learning about dog behavior. I read, watch, and study it like a nerd. My breeds are Australian Shepherd and German Shepherd. I love working with herding breeds. I also do the evaluations for the Star Puppy tests and Canine Good Citizen.
Kathy - Teddy (Border Collie), Buddy, Cha-Chi and Lil' Bit (Chihuahuas), Honey and Shoogi (Lhasa Apso)
Lisa - Boo (Jack Russell/Rat Terrier), Maggie (Springer Spaniel), and Dixie (Chihuahua)
This is Boo who is a Jack Rat (Jack Russell/Rat Terrier). He's gone through the basic obedience class and now has 2 sisters, Maggie a Springer Spaniel and Dixie a Chihuahua.
Jay - Molli, Envy, Axl, Jewel and Debbie (Australian Shepherds)
Im married to Lesli and we share our pack of 5 Aussies. Im recently retired from UPS. I now follow Lesli to
Dog Shows and take photos. I turned my Hobby of Action Dog Photography into my new career.
My pack of rescued mutts and I enjoy snack time and nap time the best. I have done a lot of basic obedience training for many years and have plans to start competing in rally, dock diving, and herding in the future.
Mary - Frisco and Tahoe
I have been competing in dog sports for over 20 years. Played agility with 3 dogs and branched out into Obedience, Rally, Barn Hunt and Scent Work. Then we added Dock Diving. Frisco is just getting started in all of the above and I can’t wait to see where
we go from here